Wisdom teeth appear in our late teens or early twenties. They often signify dental milestones but can sometimes lead to discomfort or require medical attention. Let’s learn about the signs of wisdom teeth coming in, how to recognize potential problems, and when it’s time to consult a dentist.
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ToggleWhen wisdom teeth start to come in, there are several signs you might notice. Read through this guide and learn about your wisdom teeth in Arizona. Here are the initial signs indicating pain symptoms felt as your wisdom teeth are beginning to emerge:
One of the first signs of wisdom teeth coming in is tenderness or pain at the back of the mouth, specifically where the wisdom teeth are located. You might feel discomfort when you are chewing or when pressure is applied to the area.
The gums around the area where the wisdom teeth are coming in may start to swell. This swelling can sometimes be noticeable visually or felt when touching the area. Such swelling commonly causes discomfort, accompanied by mild redness or warmth.
As wisdom teeth push through the gums, they can cause an unbearable, aching pain in the jaw. You may feel more pain in the morning or after long periods of inactivity, and it can sometimes spread through the ears or neck.
Right around the emerging tooth, the gums may appear more red than usual, indicating irritation or inflammation caused by the tooth pushing through the gum line. This is a natural response as the body adapts to the new teeth emerging and other signs of wisdom teeth coming in.
If the wisdom teeth are impacted or coming in at an angle, it might be difficult to open your mouth fully without discomfort.
If there is a minor infection in the gum tissues surrounding the emerging wisdom teeth, an unpleasant taste or persistent bad breath can develop.
Occasionally, the pressure caused by growing wisdom teeth can lead to headaches. These are typically localized around the temples or the side of the face.
Wisdom teeth growth is initially triggered by natural developmental processes rather than external factors. The key triggers for signs of your wisdom teeth coming in are as follows:
Knowing if your wisdom teeth are coming in correctly involves monitoring for signs of alignment and pain. If the teeth emerge without causing pain, swelling, or crowding of other teeth, they are likely coming in correctly. Regular dental check-ups can help ensure they align properly and have enough space to fully emerge without disruption.
In some cases, wisdom teeth can be infected when they partially erupt. Early-stage wisdom tooth infection includes symptoms such as painful, swollen gums, a foul taste, and occasionally fever. It sometimes leads to wisdom teeth removal.
Watch for these indicators that your wisdom teeth might be causing issues:
The wisdom teeth may only partially emerge through the gums which is a sign of your wisdom teeth coming in. A part of the tooth poking through the gum line can be seen. The gums at the back of the mouth may appear red and swollen because of the pressure and irritation. The crowns of the wisdom teeth might slowly appear behind your second molars if there is enough space in the mouth.
Wisdom tooth pain can fluctuate and sometimes be wisdom tooth pain unbearable
depending on the growth phase of the tooth and its interaction with surrounding tissues and nerves. The pain may come and go as the tooth pushes through the gum, creating periods of pressure and relief.
The process of wisdom teeth coming in varies from one person to another. The initial step, where the tooth begins to push through the gum, can take over a few weeks to months. When the wisdom teeth break through the gums, fully emerging into their final position can take anywhere from a few months to a few years. Still, the exact timeline, from when the teeth begin to develop under the gums to when they erupt, can take several years.
Wisdom teeth often begin to emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. While most individuals have four wisdom teeth, some people have fewer or even none. The development and eruption of these teeth can be unpredictable, and some individuals may have wisdom teeth that remain completely impacted and never break through the gum surface.
If you are feeling discomfort about your wisdom teeth coming in, don’t wait for complications to develop. Contact Atrium Dental for a comprehensive evaluation. Our professional team is ready to assist with state-of-the-art care. Book your appointment now, and let us take care of your smile!
Wisdom teeth can be a normal part of dental development, but knowing when they’re a cause for concern is crucial for oral health. Monitoring these signs and staying proactive about dental check-ups can prevent potential problems associated with wisdom teeth.
How long does it take for wisdom teeth to cause problems?
Wisdom teeth can start causing problems as soon as they begin to erupt, but issues may also develop slowly over time.
Can your wisdom teeth coming through make you feel ill?
Yes, if an infection develops due to impacted wisdom teeth, it might make you feel ill and even lead to fever.
What does wisdom teeth pain feel like?
Wisdom teeth pain can range from dull and throbbing to sharp and excruciating. It often occurs at the back of the mouth and can sometimes extend towards the throat or into the ears.